Clinical Mental Health Therapist
BSc Psychology with Clinical & Health Sciences, University of Bangor
MSc Foundations in Clinical Psychology, University of Bangor
PGCert in Advances Intervention in Primary Mental Health Care, University of Manchester
I was pleased to join Beyond Psychology on a secondment placement in 2018, to which I happily joined the team from then on.
Prior to joining the team, I completed both my degree and master’s degree in Bangor, Wales, before returning to the North West. I worked on a Dementia Ward followed by a Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit, before moving into primary mental health care to join the IAPT team in Salford. I have spent the past 12 years with the IAPT service, which is where I have built my clinical therapy and management skills. During that time, I become involved with a project to develop a trans-diagnostic group therapy model called The Take Control Course, in which I became one of the manual authors and lead facilitators. I am also a trained Mindfulness group facilitator.
I have spent the past 9 years using the Method of Levels therapy model, to which I am the Method of Levels clinician within Beyond Psychology. I use this model throughout all my one-to-one sessions, predominately with adults/parents/carers/staff. I have also helped develop the adolescent version of the Take Control Course, which is currently solely used within Beyond Psychology in school settings. I also help support and supervise others in their understanding of Method of Levels therapy, as well as training to become Take Control facilitators.
When I’m not with young people either in a therapy session or school capacity, I support our workshops and conferences that we offer in Beyond Psychology alongside our specialist Consultant Psychologist.
Outside of my role at Beyond Psychology
I have recently finished 9 years volunteering as a School Governor and currently taking a well earned rest before returning to governance. I currently sit on an independent safeguarding panel, to which I gain immense pleasure from, as it allows me to give back to the community in which I live in. Overall though, my biggest joy is spending time with my two children and close family, engaging in as many ‘adventures’ as we possibly can and truly enjoying the journey that is life.