Beyond Psychology

Supporting Trauma Informed Practice for parents of adopted children, foster carers, and professionals. THIS WEBSITE WILL CLOSE ON 31st MARCH 2025


A message from Dr Kirsty Hughes

Beyond Psychology ceased trading on 28th March 2024. Some of our online resources remain available until 31st March 2025.

After 7 incredible years, the time has come for me and my team to move on to pastures new. What a journey we have been on! We’ve seen our small team impact the lives of individual young people and those travelling alongside them. The cared for children community within Rochdale inspired us to develop the way that we did and we kept them in our hearts as we grew within Rochdale and beyond.

We will all continue to celebrate what has been achieved in that time. Beyond Psychology will be leaving a legacy through accessible therapeutic support, training and consultation, which has helped many individuals, families and organisations embed trauma informed understanding and practice. I would personally like to extend my thanks to those who have supported our journey and made Beyond Psychology the success that it has been.

Trauma-informed workshops and training sessions

Over the years, we have developed a series of workshops and training courses using a research and evidence based approach conducted by Clinical Psychologists. We bring experience and expertise to adoptive parents, carers, and teams of all sizes who work with children and families.

Examples of workshops that we have developed:

  • An introduction to attachment and developmental trauma: what is the impact of early life adversity on how we develop socially, emotionally and cognitively.
  • Parenting with PACE – 2 part workshop
  • Trauma-informed approaches – making everyday interactions therapeutic and healing trauma in the process.
  • The crucial role of shame and it’s link to anti-social behaviour
  • Creating a Trauma-Informed Environment at Home: Creating Healing Environments and designing Spaces for Emotional Safety
  • Trauma and Mental Health:
    • Recognising and Responding to Symptoms
    • Supporting Children Through Flashbacks and Triggers
  • Self-Care for Foster Carers: Preventing Burnout in Trauma-Informed Care
  • Supporting young people through the Teenage years
  • Collaborating with Professionals: Maximising Support for Children with Trauma

Our income is reinvested in the local community

Now that Beyond Psychology has closed, money generated through people accessing the resources will be donated to the Alex Timpson Trust who help fund many projects for care experienced people and foster carers.

5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
I have been extremely impressed with the way that Louise and Kirsty have dealt with delivering this emotive topic to an audience of over 180 staff. They read their audience well and were responsive enough to change the direction of the presentation when and if appropriate. The presentations have been a mixture of engaging activities.
High School
Head Teacher
5 star rating
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5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
The session was extremely interesting and something I will definitely use within my teaching. I found the people leading the course highly knowledgeable and they were able to link everything to a classroom environment. I feel more able to recognise signs of early trauma and identify which students would benefit from a change in approach. I have a greater understanding of why students react/behave in the way they do and how I could now react to the situation
Secondary School
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
5 star rating
“The best whole school INSET training we have ever had”. This was just one of many really positive comments from my staff after the Whole School Attachment training delivered by Louise and Kirsty from Beyond Psychology. “The delivery of the training was pitched just right and was really engaging and many of the staff after the first whole school session, stated that they were hooked
Kingsway School

From the blog…